Thursday, July 31, 2014

Testing play reactivemongo applications

Hi, I'm not going to write here a complete step-by-step tutorial to test such applications. There should be already lot of them in the Internet. I want just present general way and solution to some problem, that might not be described yet.

First of all experience proved that its good to have controllers defined like this:

trait FooCtrl extends Controller {
    def fooRepo: FooRepo
    def foo() = Action {

object FooCtrl extends FooCtrl {
    override def fooRepo = FooMongoRepo
where FooMongoRepo is implementation of FooRepo based on play reactivemongo plugin.

Then you can write tests mocking mongo repositories, so you don't have to run DB during tests

class FooCtrlIT extends Specification with Mockito {
    class FooCtrlTest extends FooCtrl {
        val fooRepo = mock[FooRepo] //if you wonder 
               //why it is val, hmmm ... mock 
               //verifying doesn't work for me on override def
    "Foo controler" should {
        "return ok" in {
            val fooTest = new FooCtrlTest

            val request = FakeRequest("GET", "/api/foos")
            val result =

            status(result) must equalTo(OK)

Some problem might occur if you need run test in

(Some of your classes eg. session parameters encryption needs running application) You can spot errors like:
[error] r.c.a.MongoDBSystem - (State: Closing) 
UNHANDLED MESSAGE: ChannelConnected(-951772015
[info] application - ReactiveMongo Connections stopped. 
[Success(Closed)] [INFO] [07/31/2014 21:12:39.933] 
Message [reactivemongo.core.actors.Close$] from 
to Actor[akka://application/user/$b#162091841] 
was not delivered. [1] dead letters encountered. 
This logging can be turned off 
or adjusted with configuration settings 'akka.log-dead-letters' 
and 'akka.log-dead-letters-during-shutdown'.

The solution is to run test without mongo plugin. You don't need it because you mock all repositories.
running(FakeApplication(withoutPlugins = 
 Seq("play.modules.reactivemongo.ReactiveMongoPlugin"))) {

If it helps, then leave me some comment. Thx.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Akka reactive stream examples

After my visit at ScalaDays 2014 where I attend "akka-http: (un)REST for your Actors" talk I started learning about reactive streams in Akka. There were two really good sources. First was talk by Roland Kuhn and Viktor Klang I missed at Scaladays (video) . Second is amazingly well commented code in akka-stream library.

I decided to present reactive streams to my colleges from . There ( are examples I presented them. Everything should be well documented in README. If something is not clear, then you can propose pull request;)

Akka testing parrent child relation

Testing child actors is not piece of cake in Akka. Its because this actors often communicate with parent using context.parrent
context.parrent ! FOOMsg("foo")
One of possible and reusable solution is to create:
import akka.testkit.{TestProbe, TestKit}
import org.scalatest.Suite
import{Actor, Props, ActorSystem}

trait TestParentChildRelation {
  this: TestKit with Suite =>
  def mockParentWithProbe(childProps: Props)
                     (implicit system: ActorSystem) = {
    val proxy = TestProbe()
    system.actorOf(Props(new Actor {
      val child = context.actorOf(childProps)
      def receive = {
        case x if sender == child => proxy.ref forward x
        case x => child forward x
The trait can be mixed into test scenario like in example from (Link)
class ProcreatorActorTest 
extends TestKit(ActorSystem("ProcreatorTestActorSystem"))
with ImplicitSender
with WordSpecLike
with StopSystemAfterAll
with TestParentChildRelation {

  "A Procreator actor" must {
    "recombine the genome" in {
      val maleGenotype = SampleGenome(Seq(1, 3, 3, 7, 1))
      val femaleGenotype = SampleGenome(Seq(9, 8, 7, 6, 5))

      val male = TestActorRef(new Phenotype(maleGenotype))
      val female = TestActorRef(new Phenotype(femaleGenotype))
      val proxy = mockParentWithProbe(Props(
             new TestRecombineProcreator(male, female, 1.0)))

      val expectedGenome = SampleGenome(Seq(1, 3, 7, 6, 5))
Examples come from project. I'm waiting for your feedback